Tuesday, December 9, 2014

BlackHearts Cafe / BlackHearts Entertainment Concerts

Blackheart’s Cafe is a place like no other. If you’re into 80’s/90’s Rock music, this is the place where you should hang out whenever you feel like rocking your heart out and meet some of the greatest people in SL. At any hour, there is a an experienced team composed of a DJ and a Host, making sure you’re having the time of your life and lots of people dancing and having a blast on the dance floor. Dance, sing along to the awesome tune, play Sploder or just have fun with the people in chat. Guaranteed, you will leave with a smile on your face after spending some time here!

And I’m not done with what’s so great about this club! Ever heard of Blackhearts Entertainment Concerts? That’s right, they have their own tribute band which often organizes in-world concerts… which I must say, are mindblowing. There are some screenshots underneath just to make an idea. I highly suggest you should check out their next concert on the 13th of December! Looks like it’s going to be Bon Jovi, so don’t miss it! More updates and info on their Official Facebook Page.

I would be sitting here all night writing about how much I love Blackheart’s, but I think the screenshots speak for themselves. My HDD blew up not long ago and sadly I’ve lost all of my screenies, so most of them are taken from their Facebook Page. But I think they are self explanatory!
Make sure to leave here your feedback if you already know the place or if you took our advice and went to check it out. And if it was your first time there, tell the world how much you liked it! Because I know you will.

1 comment:

  1. Blackhearts led the way in rock music on the grid since 2007. Often imitated, but never duplicated! This is a place one can call home for sure, and many have.
